Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Here's some of my sets on polyvore
Lily Donaldson(1st pict)
Glamorous Purple(2nd pict)
Gold Sensation(3rd pict)

The "Lily Donaldson" set is my fav..
i'm addicted with polyvore..
i'm creating my sets to fill my freetime..
polyvore is one of a tool to express my fashion desire..
anyway, i still learn how to customize my blog's layout..

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Today,i'm creating my first blog.Honestly,i never thought to write a blog..coz i don't think that i'm a creative person.
But,after i looked one of my friend's blog...it's quite interesting...^^
Let me tell a lil' bit 'bout myself..
I'm just an ordinary girl...i love fashion so badly..make up..style..
my fashion signature is elegant n simple..lil bit glamour..
FYI,i used to be a shy person..but as long as i grown up..my personality is getting better..
eventhough,there's still childish side sometimes...=p
i love God,my parents,my lil sist n bro,my Boy,n my BFF of course..
without them my life would felt uncomplete...